What are the benefits of exercise?

What are the benefits of exercise?

We have all heard that in order to be healthy we need to exercise; but how exactly does exercise benefit our health? A recent study has shown that individuals that perform adequate moderate intensity cardio are surprisingly 29% less likely to die from any cause according to a recent study done by the bmj , While other studies have shown that moderate intensity cardio can even extend your life by 5-8 years!

But what exactly is moderate intensity cardio? Well it is any form of exercise that raises your heart rate to about 50-60% of your resting heart rate, but a better way to gage this is an intensity where you can still talk without losing your breath but you cannot sing while performing this activity without losing your breath. Some great moderate intensity exercises that you can do are running, walking, swimming, biking, and hiking!

Now how much Moderate intensity cardio should we do to gain these benefits for our health? Modern recommendations are that we should participate in 150-300 minutes a week of moderate intensity cardio to extend our life’s!

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